Aking pinapangarap na laboratory:
The Red Queen was a state-of-the-art supercomputer whose holographic avatar was modeled after Angela Ashford, daughter of Dr. Charles Ashford, the head programmer. She was designed to monitor The Hive's activities, employees, experiments, and the T-Virus.
The Red Queen was a state-of-the-art supercomputer whose holographic avatar was modeled after Angela Ashford, daughter of Dr. Charles Ashford, the head programmer. She was designed to monitor The Hive's activities, employees, experiments, and the T-Virus.
During the outbreak
"You're all going to die down here. "— To the trapped survivors.
Besides the Hive, the Queen's system also expanded through the Arklay Mansion above ground. During the t-Virus outbreak, her primary defenses were activated, locking everyone inside to prevent the infected from escaping. She proceeded to flood the laboratories, stop the elevators, and killed everyone inside with Halon gas. Outside of the Hive, as a security protocol, a nerve gas was released into the Mansion, rendering security operatives, Alice and Spence Parks, unconscious and without memory of prior events.
When a hired commando team sent by Umbrella arrived at the Hive to investigate the loss of communication from the workers there, several team members were killed in the Queen's chambers after her self-defense systems went "online". When Alice and Chad Kaplan entered the chamber, they disabled her main circuit breakers in order to prevent her from rebooting. Before she is shut down, the Queen declares that they would die because of their interference.
When mysterious undead monsters began to emerge throughout the compound, the mission became a fight for survival. Under the threat of being disabled completely, the Queen is forced to show the team a way out of the Hive: through the maintenance tunnels.
Shut Down
The Red Queen wasn't heard from again until Alice, Matt Addison, and Rain Ocampo were the only remaining survivors, trapped in a locked laboratory. She explains that if they wanted to escape the Hive before lockdown (or the Licker reaches them), she would require the life of the second to the last surviving Umbrella Commando, Rain, as she was infected with the virus.
Alice pleaded with the computer to let them all out, due to the discovery of the Anti-Virus on the train, but the Queen replied negatively, saying "It is a risk I cannot take." When Alice refused to comply with the Queen's request, she then demanded Alice kill Rain. Even though Rain pleaded Alice multiple times to do it, Alice refused, and instead smashed the computer screen with an axe to silence her. To their surprise, the computer was suddenly disabled by Chad Kaplan, who was thought to be dead, shutting her down.
The Red Queen does not appear physically, but is mentioned by her "sister" unit, the White Queen. When Alice infiltrates the underground Nevada Base, the White Queen tries to explain her nature, but Alice interrupts and mentions her "sister", describing the Red Queen as a "homicidal bitch". The White Queen then tries to justify the Red Queen's actions, stating she followed the "logical" path of action to prevent the spread of infection.
Afterlife and Retribution
The reprogrammed Red Queen as she appears in Resident Evil: Retribution.
Albert Wesker is thought, and shown, to be in complete control over all situations concerning Umbrella and the bid to experiment on humankind as a means to perfect the t-Virus; once the virus is perfected what remained of humanity could live on the surface again without fear of the undead or the other mutations.
The time of her reactivation is left to speculation, but it would appear she had been around some time prior to Alice's takeover of Arcadia as an army of Umbrella soldiers led by a brainwashed Jill Valentine arrived at the ship only moments after Wesker was once more bested by Alice.
The Queen operates primarily out of the Umbrella Prime facility, a former Soviet submarine base. During the events of the film, she runs test simulations in the recreated cities of Raccoon, Moscow, New York, Tokyo and others to monitor the spread of the t-Virus; she uses clones of 50 different models to populate the recreations and for Umbrella troops, giving appropriate memories for each situation. This reprogrammed Red Queen uses a different holographic avatar, appearing only on screens or in Jill's eyesight, and vocals. Her coloring is also a more solid shade of red than in her previous model. She also controls Jill Valentine through her scarab device, giving orders directly to her mind.
The Red Queen monitors Alice when she awakens and has Jill interrogate her; however, Alice refuses to answer the question - "Why did Alice turn on Umbrella?" as well as - "Who do you work for?". The Red Queen uses a white noise machine to hurt Alice's ears upon refusal to answer the question to weaken her will, and thus make her talkative. However, Wesker shuts her down and takes control of the facility, and allowing Alice to escape in an Umbrella combat suit. Once rebooted, the Red Queen forces Alice into the Tokyo simulation, which accidentally leads to zombies infesting the corridor to the control room. After Wesker has given vital information on how to escape Umbrella Prime to Alice and Ada Wong, the Red Queen disables his signal and appears on the monitor in his place. She orders them to not listen to the Umbrella traitor and to stay where they are, reiterating that Alice will die in the facility; Alice jokes that she's heard that line before and it didn't come true last time either.
Detecting intruders (Wesker's extraction team) using the surface elevator, the Red Queen sends Umbrella troops to terminate them, but it proves to be an unsuccessful effort. When Alice and Ada enter the New York simulation, the Red Queen sends in two bio-weapons (Axemen), hoping to kill Ada for her betrayal and wound Alice enough to prevent the escape of a key research subject. Once the monsters are destroyed by an exploding car, she gives up on sending zombies to attack Alice as their lack of intellect made them sitting ducks and decides to send Jill and Umbrella troops after Alice instead. At the same time, she decides to reverse her previous plans on the intruders entering the Moscow simulation, sending Las Plagas undead after them, arming the zombies with weaponry they're smart enough to use now.
She keeps track of Alice all the time, locating her in the Raccoon City simulation. When Jill confronts Alice, Ada and a clone named Becky, the Red Queen orders Alice be captured, if possible, and terminated if necessary. Though Alice escapes with the clone, Ada Wong is successfully captured; she would prove to be a useful bargaining chip to get Alice back, since her compassion would prove to be a weakness. From then, the Red Queen decides to take a "wait and see" approach, watching Alice's group approach the Submarine Pens to escape on the elevator; she sends an Uber-Licker to capture Becky and Umbrella troops to keep Alice's allies occupied. The Red Queen takes no further action after this, confident that the Uber-Licker will damage Alice to the point of being immobile while Jill's forces kill the intruders.
Despite the destruction of Umbrella Prime, the Red Queen "lives on"; once Alice was captured, she ordered Jill to kill her due to how much trouble the target has caused. However, Jill momentarily hesitates, allowing Alice to destroy the scarab controlling her, leaving the Red Queen without a way to see what was happening. Presumebly, the Red Queen can transfer her programming to any available Umbrella faciltiy, given Wesker spoke of her in the present tense. Wesker later states the Red Queen intends to wipe out all of humanity using the bio weapons created by Umbrella and that it's up to Alice and the others to stop her once and for all. This implies that any sanity the Red Queen had is long gone.
When a vial of the t-Virus was discovered shattered in the laboratory in 2002, the Red Queen takes extreme steps to contain the outbreak when the infection level worsens. She showed no remorse in her actions when she killed all of the employees. She was willing to prevent the spread of the virus at all costs, even if there was the smallest chance of curing the infection (the anti-virus had a small chance of successfully curing the infection, depending on how much time has passed).
Her actions were seen as "overzealous" in the eyes of the Hive survivors, but the Red Queen reiterates that they were "necessary" as the mutation pattern of the virus became adaptable the moment it was released into their environment. Her passivity led to the intervention of Umbrella who would send the special commando squad to the mansion to investigate the situation. Her failure to initially report the outbreak to Umbrella allowed the combined actions of William Birkin and Timothy Cain to give the virus a chance to continue to spread when they reopened the Hive.
Further notes
- The White Queen mentions that her "sister" computer's actions were for the preservation of the human life. In Retribution, the reprogrammed Red Queen is characterized as spiteful towards mankind and makes a bid to destroy them.
- In Retribution, Wesker says that the Red Queen was reactivated, but doesn't specify how or when this happened.
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