WHAT IS 'SAFE' RADIATION LEVELS IN WATER? I'll tell you - 10 becquerels per litre. The water leaking into the Pacific Ocean every day from the FUKUSHIMA PLANT is 230 million becquerels per litre - this is finally admitted by Tepco spokesman Masayuki - I say its time now to declare a WORLD HERITAGE DEAD ZONE and dump all nuclear waste and old cores on the same FUKUSHIMA PLANT - undermine the structure a bit and insert barium and boron crystals, encase it in lead and layers of concrete AND STOP IT FROM POISONING THE PACIFIC - Every 3 years we should add an extra 6 feet of shielding - and at the end of 25,000 years, the FUKUSHIMA DEAD ZONE will be the size of Germany and France combined... Yes that is a horrible fact - but we MUST DO SOMETHING NOW - and all that water being pumped onto those cores must STOP - now! The cores have 'pancaked' and yes they may even reach the WATER TABLE and that means that all FRESH WATER in the entire region will become contaminated - it's time now to admit that this is a GLOBAL DISASTER worse than CHERNOBYL in 1986 (which already poisoned a third of the planet) - we have to ACT NOW and SAVE THE SEA...
THAT'S THE REALITY - THAT IS WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN - and we need a 'Thunderbirds' type INTERNATIONAL RESCUE mission IMMEDIATELY - otherwise more mass deaths and whale and dolphin dead wash-ups will occur and the whole of the western seaboard of Alaska, California and Hawaii will be ruined with radioactivity... Already, we have mysterious mass deaths of dolphins around the planet. They blame a virus. Bollocks. It's radiation sickness. And PELICANS have been killed too - at least 150 of them in PERU.
A becquerel is a unit used to measure radioactivity.
July 2013: A TV Host who says vegetables grown near Fukushima are safe, cooks a meal on TV from garden veg and contracts a nasty cancer.
9 Oct 2013: Six workers are accidentally doused in radioactive water
7 Oct 2013: A plant worker accidentally switches off power to pumps used for cooling damaged reactors
3 Oct 2013: Tepco says there is a radioactive water leak after workers overfill a storage tank
21 Aug 2013: Japan's nuclear agency upgrades Fukushima alert level
20 Aug 2013: Tepco says 300 tonnes of radioactive water has leaked from a storage tank into the ground (add a few zeros on for the TRUTH)
July 2013: Tepco for the first time admits radioactive water is going into the sea (it's been going on since the first day)
June 2013: Tepco says radioactive water leaking from a storage tank to the ground...
April 2013: Tepco suspects a fresh radioactive water leak at Fukushima (They'd known for ages, lol)
March 2013: Tepco suspects a rodent may have been behind a power cut that shut down cooling systems (unlikely)
Dec 2011 Contaminated water leaks from a treatment system, caused by a crack in the foundation
The operator says the leak occurred when contaminated water was accidentally pumped into a large storage tank that was already full (yep, another lie)
2012-2014: Unusual historic-proprotioned DOLPHIN MASS DEATHS happen all around the planet.
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